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No. 03/2019 26/06/2019
German Energy Solutions News

Welcome to the current edition of the newsletter of the Germany Energy Solutions Initiative. In the bi-monthly editions we keep you up to date with the latest information about German energy solutions. Furthermore you will learn about opportunities to meet German business partners around the world. This newsletter service is provided by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and is free of charge.

Foreign trade fairs 2020

Meet German companies at trade fairs worldwide in 2020
In 2020, you will have the opportunity to get to know German energy solutions first hand in ten countries! Amongst them, the German joint stand will celebrate its first appearances Down Under at the All Energy Australia, in West Africa at the Future Energy Nigeria and at the Energetika & Elektrotechnika in Russia. German company representatives and our experts are looking forward to welcome you at the German Pavilion!

German energy solutions at Intersolar South America 2019
Networking with German Experts at Foreign Trade Fairs
Are you interested in solar energy solutions made in Germany? If you will be in Brazil in August 2019, make sure to visit the German joint stand at Intersolar South America in São Paulo (August 27-29). Innovative German companies will present their latest solutions in the field of solar energy and are looking forward to meet you. Furthermore, our experts will answer all your questions about the German energy transition and connect you with local representatives like the bilateral Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Don't miss the networking event of the German General Consulate Embassy on August 28 at our booth!

Wind energy: Making turbines more stable with more powerful rotor blade bearings
Image Copyright: Fotolia.com/visivasnc
As the size of the rotor blades is increasing, so too are the demands on the stability of the entire wind turbine. A consortium of researchers is currently seeking to optimise the rotor blade bearings for the increasingly powerful wind turbines to ensure that the heavily stressed anchorage of the rotor blade, in particular, is able to withstand ever greater loads.
Innovative automation technology for stable power grids
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The BMWi-funded research project "SmartAPO - Autonomous Predictive Local Grid Controller” focuses on the management of low-voltage grids: an innovative autonomous control concept not only aims to keep power grids consistently stable but also to predict grid conditions.
Current events within the German Energy Solutions Initiative
Veranstaltung im BMWK: Redner auf Bühne, Publikum
01.07. - 05.07.2019: Energy-efficient solutions for infrastructure development and transport in Australia and New Zealand

01.07. - 05.07.2019: Energy efficiency and energy storage in commerce and production in Portugal

01.07. - 05.07.2019: Energy supply with renewable energy in industry in Ghana

08.07. - 12.07.2019: Energy infrastructure with focus on suppliers in Guangdong

09.09. - 12.09.2019: Energy efficiency in buildings in Singapore

16.09. - 19.09.2019: Energy efficiency and renewable energy in public buildings in Romania

16.09. - 19.09.2019: Biogas and CCHP in Brazil

16.09. - 20.09.2019: Energy production with focus on solar, wind and bio energy and storage solutions in Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago

23.09. - 27.09.2019: Energy efficiency solutions for the Belasrussian housing complex
Do you have questions regarding the newsletter or the German Energy Solutions Initiative? Please don’t hesitate to contact us: redaktion@german-energy-solutions.de.
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Public Relations Division
10119 Berlin

Photo Credits:
events 2023: coordination office of the German Energy Solutions Initiative
Events: BMWK/Blumentritt
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