
Project Development Programme

Green hydrogen in Jordan German Training Week within the Project Development Programme (PDP)


Begin: 14/04/2025
End: 17/04/2025
Location: Amman
Field of application/technology: Energy storage, Hydrogen
Country of implementation: Jordan
Target area: Asia, Middle East, MENA region

Use the opportunity to strategically position your company on the Jordanian Green Hydrogen Market.

The German Training Week aims to expand your network and gain hands-on experience from German experts on the successful development of Green H2 projects. In addition to technical and financial topics, the Training Week will also cover commercial, social, environmental, legal aspects of Green Hydrogen project development. It provides a perfect opportunity to strengthen your project development skills and set up long-term partnerships with specialised German companies in the Green Hydrogen sector.

The language of presentation will be in English. The content modules are structured as follows:

Module 1 IntroductionConcepts, definitions, steps to produce green hydrogen and its derivatives
Module 2ProductionElectrolysis and ammonia synthesis processes and its characteristics
Module 3Transport and StorageTransport and storage options, costs, losses, benchmarks
Module 4SustainabilitySustainability aspects relevant to hydrogen, incl. energy, water, land use, emissions
Module 5Ramp UpGlobal trends in green hydrogen market development
Module 6EconomicsLevelized Cost of Hydrogen and other economic concepts, calculation and modelling exercises
Module 7Regulation and PolicyCountry specific policies, laws and regulations applying to green hydrogen
Module 8FinancingFinancing considerations, funding mechanisms

The training is free of charge.

Further information

  • Publication: Code of Conduct

    Code of Conduct for events organized under the auspices of the German-Energy-Solutions-Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

    Opens PDF "Code of Conduct" in a new window.