
Project Development Programme

Photovoltaic self-consumption projects in the C&I sector of Ghana Reference project trip to Ghana within the Project Development Programme (PDP)


Begin: 24/09/2024
End: 26/09/2024
Location: Kumasi
Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Solar energy, Efficiency in industry and commerce
Country of implementation: Ghana
Target area: Africa, West Africa

Reference Project Trip for decision makers in the commerce and industry sector – Kumasi/ Ghana

The purpose of the 3-day reference project trip is to showcase successful and high-quality solar systems in their real-life condition. Through site visits to selected reference projects you will have the opportunity to exchange with your peers on their experiences developing and maintaining rooftop solar systems.

Furthermore, different experts will provide inputs on technical questions, legal framework, and economic and other investment considerations during a one-day conference in Kumasi. The programme is designed to empower you in making informed decisions on the adoption of a solar PV rooftop system. The event is also the perfect opportunity to get in touch with German solution providers to develop and realise your solar project for self-consumption.

The event will be organised in Kumasi and is targeting primarily companies from Ashanti, Western, Central, Ahafo, and Bono Regions.

Contact for further information

To register and to obtain further information about the event, including the profiles of the participating German companies, please contact the Project Development Programme (PDP) Team.

Deadline for the registration is 15.08.2024.

Further information