
Project Development Programme

Energy efficiency in Senegal German Training Week within the Project Development Programme (PDP)


Begin: 24/10/2022
End: 28/10/2022
Location: Senegal
Field of application/technology: Efficiency in industry and commerce
Country of implementation: Senegal
Target area: Africa, West Africa

Strengthen your knowledge on how to consume less energy and save energy costs.

The German Training Week – Energy Efficiency aims to expand your network and gain latest insights on saving potentials through German providers of energy efficient technologies for industrial applications. In addition to technical topics, the workshop will also cover commercial and legal aspects. It gives you a perfect opportunity to strengthen your understanding on how to consume less energy and set up long-term partnerships with high skilled German companies offering solutions for an improved energy efficiency.

The language of presentation will be French.

The course is structured as follows:

Module 1IntroductionIntroduction to energy efficiency and energy management: definitions, potentials, data collection and monitoring
Module 2LegalLegal aspects of energy efficiency and energy management: international and national framework and DIN
Module 3CommercialFinancial terms to assess a project and business models, ESCOs
Module 4TechnicalEnergy efficiency potentials of cross-cutting technologies (HVAC, motors, drives and pumps, compressed air, process heat, lighting)
Module 5CommunicationPresentation and reporting to top management, summary of workshop content, final test

 The training is free of charge.