Skalierbare Off-Grid-Elektrifizierungslösungen für netzferne Gemeinden in Äthiopien


The lithium-ion battery storage systems used in the five projects with a total storage capacity of 1,330 kWh were presented in December by BOS AG in the capital Addis Ababa at a networking event as part of the Renewable Energy Solutions programme of the Energy Export Initiative. A total PV capacity of 650 kWp was installed in the projects.
Access to electricity is essential for the economic development of remote areas - and the expansion of the public power grid is not always practical or economical. The installation of PV-powered stand-alone mini-grids with battery storage enables faster and more efficient access to clean, reliable and sustainable energy in hard-to-reach regions. As part of the Energising Development (EnDev) multi-donor partnership co-financed by the EU, GIZ therefore organised a tender in 2022 for the electrification of the Ethiopian communities of Oborso, Gera, Oda and Kurtile with the help of solar mini-grids
The battery specialist BOS AG from Ulm won the tender and was responsible for project realisation with its local partner, Green Scene Energy. The systems were successively put into operation in autumn 2024.

A high-ranking inauguration on site ...

On 14 December 2024, the plant in Oborso East was inaugurated with the participation of the Ethiopian Minister of Energy. Together with the Ethiopian Energy Minister, GIZ invited stakeholders to see the benefits of the project for themselves. The off-grid PV project not only improves people's quality of life, but also provides the basis for further economic growth and job creation. For example, a carpenter in Oborso East can now operate his machines without interruption and at low cost, without a diesel generator.The impact of such projects is not limited to the local level. It also demonstrates the great potential of renewable energy solutions far beyond the municipal boundaries. They also play a crucial role in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 7), which states that everyone should have access to affordable and clean energy by 2030. However, there are often obstacles in the way of this vision - not least the frequent lack of trust in the reliability of renewable energy technologies.

... and a networking event to present the technology in Addis Ababa

In view of the potential of storage systems for the electrification of Ethiopian rural communities, BOS AG was selected to participate in the RES programme. With this funding from the BMWK and the support of the German Energy Agency, the German SME organised a networking event in Addis Ababa on 17.12.2024 to present the project and the technology to stakeholders in the Ethiopian energy sector.

Vernetzungsveranstaltung zur Präsentation der Off-Grid-Photovoltaik Technologie in Addis Abeba


A support programme for market entry

With the RES programme, the German Energy Solutions Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) supports German companies in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors enter new markets. Within the framework of the programme, reference plants are installed and marketed with the support of the German Energy Agency (dena). Information and training activities help ensure a sustainable market entry and demonstrate the quality of climate-friendly technologies made in Germany.