dena RES Project in Kenia Enlarge

dena RES Project in Kenia

© dena

Currently, barely half of the Kenyan population has access to the electricity grid. To some extent, this is due to infrastructure, but often it's simply a matter of cost. Investment in a grid connection, and the national energy provider’s electricity prices, are obstacles. Therefore, decentralised energy solutions and minigrids are increasingly in demand. The Kenya Renewable Energy Association (KEREA) believes that around 300,000 rural households in Kenya currently use stand-alone power systems. This trend is sharply on the rise: each year, between 10,000 and 20,000 new decentralised photovoltaic systems are added. Good economic sense, attractive for tourism In this large and dynamic target market for off-grid solutions, SUNSET Energietechnik GmbH wanted to promote itself via a pilot project. As part of the RES Programme of the Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency – the Franconian company came up with a complete solution using various renewable energy technologies for the Ol Pejeta Bush Camp, in the wildlife reserve of the same name. A minigrid PV system with battery storage guarantees the electricity supply, and with it the comfort of the guests. In addition, the bush camp is now equipped with a solar water supply with an integrated pressure pump system. Each day, the solar pump provides around 40 cubic metres of water, which can then be heated by solar thermal power. In addition, a hybrid solar and wind system was installed and provides reliable electricity for the lodge’s fridges, freezers and other electrical appliances.

Opening ceremony and lasting information

The dena RES project Kenya was inaugurated on 11 October 2016 in the presence of Prof. Hildegard Lingnau, Head of Development Cooperation at the German Embassy in Nairobi. As part of the opening ceremony, in addition to the installations, a permanent exhibition was presented to the public for the first time. Several display boards provide visitors with detailed information about the renewable energy technologies used.

No grid connection, but total comfort thanks to renewable energy. The reference project at the Ol Pejeta Bush Camp provides an impressive demonstration of the range of applications.

No grid connection, but total comfort thanks to renewable energy. The reference project at the Ol Pejeta Bush Camp provides an impressive demonstration of the range of applications.

© dena

About the German project partner

Since its foundation in 1979, SUNSET Energietechnik GmbH from Adelsdorf near Erlangen has been a pioneer in promoting solar energy as an alternative to conventional energy sources. In this way, SUNSET has become an industry-leading medium-sized company.

System Data

Deep well pumping system
Installed capacity:16 x 160 Wp
Module type:Sunset PX 106-6
Pressured water supply
Installed capacity:18 x 160 Wp
Module type:Sunset PX 106-6
Solar heating system
Installed capacity:12,04 kW
Collector type:SUNblue 21 Hochleistungs-Solarkollektor TA
Collector surface area:17,2 m2
Electricity savings:22.168 kWh
CO2 savings:14.764 kg/a
Minigrid system
Installed capacity:14,56 kWp
Module type:Sunset PX 130/55
Inverter type:SUN3 Grid 5000-02 & SUN3 Grid 3000-02
Battery inverter type:SunislandXtender XTH 8000-48
Batteries:72 x Hoppecke solar.bloc Solarbatterie
Annual yield:20.922 kWh
CO2 savings:19.514 kg/a
Solar/wind hybrid system
Installed capacity:10,00 kWp
Wind generator type:Rutland Windgenerator WH 914i
Charge controller:HRSi 12V/24V
Module type:Sunset PX 160
Charge controller:SR 3030, SR 2020
Batteries:18 x Hoppecke solar.bloc Solarbatterie