dena RES Project India Enlarge

dena RES Project India

© dena

Approximately one quarter of the Indian population still has no access to electricity. Mini-grids based on photovoltaic (PV) technology provide a clean and sustainable solution – especially in rural areas. The German company BOS Balance of Storage Systems AG, together with its consortium partner Fosera Solarsystems, wanted to present itself to this target market with a reference system and looked for a suitable location. The village of Sarvantara in India's most populous state of Uttar Pradesh, with around 100 households, was finally chosen in coordination with the Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) – the German Energy Agency – who implemented the project as part of the Renewable Energy Solutions Programme.

Sustainable, durable and efficient

BOS AG installed a DC mini-grid in this village, consisting of PV modules and a storage system which intelligently combines lithium-ion and lead-acid batteries. This hybrid storage is durable yet comparatively low in price. The DC electric ity grid means connected households can enjoy a basic supply of electricity for the very first time. In keeping with the overall concept, they are now equipped with energy-efficient DC loads as well as USB charging outlets. A solar-powered water pump was also installed to facilitate water supply in the village.

Around 20 interested parties attended the opening on 6 June 2017, among them Karen Rudolph from the Indo-German Energy Forum, Abhinav Goyal and Dirk Simon from the German Society for International Cooperation as well as representatives from NGOs and companies. BOS engineers first led guests through the village to introduce them to the smart technology. The mini-grid was then ceremonially inaugurated and put into operation. It will be managed by local partner Oorja Development Solutions going forward. Specially trained technicians will take over the maintenance and two villagers will share the role of grid operator. Electricity consumption will be paid for by each household based on their individual requirements.

About the German project partners

BOS Balance of Storage Systems AG is a German high-tech start-up company based in Neu-Ulm, with ten employees. The CEO, Benjamin Seckinger, co-founded the company in July 2014. BOS offers smart hybrid energy storage solutions and DC grid technology. BOS technologies provide large parts of the off-grid community in developing and industrialised countries access to high-quality, long-lasting and affordable energy solutions.

Fosera Solarsystems GmbH & Co.KgaG is located in Ulm, Germany, and has subsidiaries in Ethiopia, Kenya and Thailand. Forsera's team is formed of engineers, salespeople and operation managers. They are all driven by the vision to electrify Africa, Asia and Latin America using clean, sustainable and affordable solar energy systems and to provide customers with solar solutions which perfectly match their needs.

28 photovoltaic modules supply the mini-grid with electricity: Clementine Chambon (Oorja Development Solutions), villager from Sarvantara, Michael Schmid (BOS AG), Felix Schmid (dena) at the ceremonial opening.

28 photovoltaic modules supply the mini-grid with electricity: Clementine Chambon (Oorja Development Solutions), villager from Sarvantara, Michael Schmid (BOS AG), Felix Schmid (dena) at the ceremonial opening.

© dena

System Data

Generator output:4.5 kWph (grid), 2.6 kWph (pump)
Module type:Solarnova, 24 V, 160 Wp Poly
Module quantity:28 (grid), 16 (pump)
Operating voltage:24 V
Hybrid storage: 7 x BOS AG HS500 656 Wh lithium-ion, 2 x Exide 12V
Nominal capacity: Lithium-ion 656 Wh at 24V, lead 100 Ah at 24V
Annual output: 21.549 kWh
CO2 savings: 21,5 t/a
DC loads:350 LED lamps, 30 ceiling fans, Fosera