The wood chips originate from the immediate environment Enlarge

The wood chips originate from the immediate environment

© dena

The reactor accident in Fukushima in 2011 forced Japan to rethink its energy policy. The country is now planning to expand its use of renewable energy. The percentage of RE is to be raised significantly until the year 2030. On top of this, Japan’s large wood biomass potential makes the country a promising bioenergy market.

Pilot plant with flagship character

The dena RES project implemented by Nolting Holzfeuerungstechnik GmbH in conjunction with ECOS Consult GmbH therefore met with optimum conditions. The two companies constructed a wood-fuelled heating system in Otoineppu on Hokkaido in Japan’s northern region. Generating an output of 350 kW, the plant heats the sources of the Teshiogawa Onsen, which are preheated with geothermal energy, to a pleasant bathing temperature as well as heating buildings. This system guarantees added value in the region. There is no further need to purchase fossil fuel. The wood chips originate from the immediate environment and the resultant ash will be used as a fertiliser in regional agriculture.

Marketing concept also focuses on sustainability

The companies have developed a tailor-made marketing concept to promote their successful establishment on the Japanese market. The highlight of their activities was an information event involving experts in the biomass field, which took place on 31 October 2014. On this occasion, experts from Germany and Japan presented innovative technologies and practical experience with the use of wood biomass for energy generation. The installed plant attracted significant attention among trade professionals and media representatives.

Information seminar on location

Information seminar on location

© dena

About the German project partner

Detmold-based Nolting Holzfeuerungstechnik GmbH has been manufacturing environmentally friendly furnaces for over 60 years. The company is proud of the fact that customers describe its systems as highly resilient and of lasting value.
ECOS Consult GmbH offers assistance to companies wishing to establish business activities in Japan. Together with its partners, the team develops market entry strategies, helps customers expand their commitment in Japan, sets up contacts and provides support for the establishment of branch offices or representative offices.

System Data

Installed capacity350 kW
Wood biomass boiler:LCS-RV 300/350
Fuel volume:516 t
Generated heat:485.000 kWh/a
Reduction in CO2 emissions:163 t/a