dena RES Project Macedonia Enlarge

dena RES Project Macedonia

© dena

Strategically positioned in the centre of the Balkan peninsula, the Republic of Macedonia is the ideal vantage point for opening up the regional market. Macedonia has a high average annual solar irradiation of approx. 1,400 kWh/m² with peak values of over 1,500 kWh/m² in the south-west. Simple solar-thermal systems are therefore traditionally popular and well known by the public. This is not the case for photovoltaics (PV), an area that has seen little activity so far.

"Photovoltaics - Made in Germany" as study subject at Macedonian schools

Having formed a consortium, INTERMONT-German Energy GmbH and Elektrotechnik Hellenbrand have built two PV systems on the roofs of the “Drita” and “Mirko Mileski” grammar schools in Kicevo. Both facilities include data systems for remote monitoring via the internet. Energy yields and further system data can be visualised and the data can be used for educational purposes in school lessons.
The inauguration ceremony for both PV systems took place on 14 November 2013 in the presence of Fatmir Dehari, Kicevo’s mayor, and Hans-Helge Sander, Head of the Economic Department of the German Embassy, as well as numerous representatives from politics, business and the media.

About the German project partner: GerMaSolar – a reliable local partner

The local partner, GerMaSolar Import-Export DOO, a company founded specifically for the Macedonian market, has access to long-standing technical and practical knowhow gained in the German PV sector. GerMaSolar can also draw on an extensive network and valuable experience for in the realisation of PV projects in Macedonia.

The shareholders of GerMaSolar are two German companies: INTERMONT-German Energy e.K. (project manager and agent) and Elektrotechnik Hellenbrand (PV system supplier). Both companies have proven competence and the flexibility required in the field of electricity generation from reliable PV systems. To guarantee durable and long-term solutions, the MDs Axel Drefs (Elektrotechnik Hellenbrand) and Hamza Fetahi (INTERMONT) exclusively use products “Made in Germany”.

dena RES Project Macedonia

dena RES Project Macedonia

© dena

System Data

System data I
Installed capacity:47,435 kWp
Module type:179 x IBC MonoSol 265 EX, 265 Wp
Inverter type:

5 x SMC 8000 TL

1 x SB 4000 TL-20

Annual yield:64,606 kWh/a
Reduction in CO2 emissions:57,258 kg/a
System data II
Installed capacity:2,385 kWp
Module type:9 x IBC MonoSol 265 EX, 265 Wp
Inverter type:SB 3000
Annual yield:3.248 kWh/a
Reduction in CO2 emissions:2.878 kg/a