

  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Storage solutions for renewable energies and charging infrastructure for e-mobility

    26/06/2023 –30/06/2023
    Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
    Country of implementation: Greece
    Field of application/technology: Energy infrastructure, Energy storage, Solar energy, Hydrogen, Wind energy, Transport
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Technology for the establishment of a value chain for green hydrogen on an industrial scale in Norway

    4th quarter 2023
    Location: Norway
    Country of implementation: Norway
    Field of application/technology: Efficiency in industry and commerce, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Energy efficiency in industry, integrating renewable energies, with a focus on green hydrogen

    09/10/2023 –13/10/2023
    Location: Portugal
    Country of implementation: Portugal
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Efficiency in industry and commerce, Hydrogen, Bioenergy
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Production and Transport of Green Hydrogen

    12/12/2022 –14/12/2022
    Location: Berlin
    Country of implementation: Algeria
    Field of application/technology: Hydrogen, Energy storage
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Energy Generation with a Focus on Green Hydrogen and its derivatives

    20/06/2022 –23/06/2022
    Location: Berlin and surrounding area
    Country of implementation: Israel
    Field of application/technology: Energy storage, Energy infrastructure, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Green hydrogen and Power-to-X in Namibia and South Africa

    23/08/2022 –26/08/2022
    Location: Germany
    Country of implementation: Namibia, South Africa
    Field of application/technology: Energy storage, Energy infrastructure, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Fact-finding mission Uganda and Rwanda Energy Efficiency in Buildings

    02/05/2022 –06/05/2022
    Location: Berlin
    Country of implementation: Namibia, South Africa
    Field of application/technology: Energy storage, Energy infrastructure, Efficiency in industry and commerce, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Storage Solutions for the Energy and Transport Infrastructure, including Solutions for Green Hydrogen

    12/09/2022 –16/09/2022
    Location: Online
    Country of implementation: India
    Field of application/technology: Energy storage, Energy infrastructure, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Technologies for decentralized energy supply with renewable energy "made in Germany"

    05/09/2022 –09/09/2022
    Location: Berlin
    Country of implementation: Angola
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Solar energy, Wind energy, Energy storage, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Generation and use of green hydrogen in Cuba

    19/09/2022 –23/09/2022
    Location: Germany
    Country of implementation: Cuba
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Energy storage, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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