

  • German Training Week

    Event: Project Development for Green Hydrogen in Jordan

    07/05/2023 –11/05/2023
    Location: Amman, Jordan
    Country of implementation: Jordan
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Trainings
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  • German Training Week

    Event: Project Development for Green Hydrogen in Ghana

    24/04/2023 –28/04/2023
    Location: Accra, Ghana
    Country of implementation: Ghana
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Trainings
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  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Generation and application of green hydrogen in Türkiye

    20/02/2023 –24/02/2023
    Location: Frankfurt, Germany
    Country of implementation: Turkey
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Energy infrastructure, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Energy storage technologies and charging infrastructure for e-mobility in Croatia

    20/03/2023 –23/03/2023
    Location: Stuttgart, Germany
    Country of implementation: Croatia
    Field of application/technology: Energy infrastructure, Energy storage, Solar energy, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Energy efficiency and renewable energies in Spanish ports incl. green hydrogen

    26/06/2023 –30/06/2023
    Location: Spain
    Country of implementation: Spain
    Field of application/technology: Hydrogen, Bioenergy, Efficiency in industry and commerce
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy trade mission

    Event: Sustainable energy supply with focus on hydrogen infrastructure, application and export of green hydrogen in Chile

    08/05/2023 –12/05/2023
    Location: Chile
    Country of implementation: Chile
    Field of application/technology: Energy infrastructure, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Renewable energy for self-consumption (to reduce fossil fuels) in tourism and environmentally protected areas in Ecuador

    3rd quarter 2023
    Location: Ecuador
    Country of implementation: Ecuador
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Bioenergy, Geothermal energy, Small-scale hydro, Solar energy, Hydrogen, Wind energy
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Production, storage and distribution of green hydrogen in Ireland

    18/09/2023 –22/09/2023
    Location: Ireland
    Country of implementation: Ireland
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Energy storage, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Green hydrogen and Power-to-X in South Africa and Namibia

    11/09/2023 –15/09/2023
    Location: Johannesburg & Windhoek
    Country of implementation: South Africa, Namibia
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Wind energy and hydrogen - Power-to-X solutions for the production of green hydrogen in Finland

    08/05/2023 –12/05/2023
    Location: Helsinki, Finland
    Country of implementation: Finland
    Field of application/technology: Hydrogen, Wind energy
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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