

  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Biogas and Anaerobic Digestion of Residual and Waste Materials in Ireland

    16/09/2023 –19/09/2023
    Location: Ireland
    Country of implementation: Ireland
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Hydrogen, Bioenergy
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Planning, construction and grid connection of offshore wind farms (including green hydrogen production) in Norway

    04/11/2024 –08/11/2024
    Location: Norway
    Country of implementation: Norway
    Field of application/technology: Hydrogen, Wind energy
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Renewable Energies, Grid integration & Storage technologies (including green hydrogen) in Greece

    21/10/2024 –25/10/2024
    Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
    Country of implementation: Greece
    Field of application/technology: Energy infrastructure, Energy storage, Solar energy, Hydrogen, Wind energy
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Energy Storage Systems for the Integration of Renewable Energies in Spain

    11/11/2024 –15/11/2024
    Location: Spain
    Country of implementation: Spain
    Field of application/technology: Hydrogen, Wind energy, Energy infrastructure, Energy storage, Solar energy
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Development and expansion of hydrogen infrastructure in France with a focus on transport and industrial applications

    26/09/2024 –29/09/2024
    Location: France
    Country of implementation: France
    Field of application/technology: Hydrogen, Energy infrastructure, Energy storage
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Hydrogen from solar and wind energy

    07/10/2024 –10/10/2024
    Location: Casablanca
    Country of implementation: Morocco
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Hydrogen, Wind energy, Solar energy, Energy storage, Energy infrastructure, Small-scale hydro
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Establishment of green hydrogen production in Malaysia

    18/11/2024 –22/11/2024
    Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Country of implementation: Malaysia
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Fact-finding Mission

    Event: Production, storage, and use of green hydrogen in industry and the transport sector in Singapore

    21/10/2024 –25/10/2024
    Location: Hamburg, Nordrhine-Westphalia
    Country of implementation: Singapore
    Field of application/technology: Energy storage, Energy infrastructure, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • International trade fair

    Event: German Pavilion at World Future Energy Summit + Exhibition (WFES) 2025

    14/01/2025 –16/01/2025
    Location: Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, United Arab Emirate
    Country of implementation: United Arab Emirates
    Field of application/technology: Bioenergy, Energy generation, Small-scale hydro, Solar energy, Wind energy, Hydrogen, Energy storage
    Type of event: Foreign trade fairs
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  • German Pavilion at trade fair

    Event: World Hydrogen Summit & Exhibition in Rotterdam, Netherlands

    21/05/2025 –23/05/2025
    Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
    Country of implementation: The Netherlands
    Field of application/technology: Energy infrastructure, Energy storage, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Events, Foreign trade fairs
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