Since 2002, ENERGIEHAUS/TBZ,srl. offers consultancy in energy efficient building development for public and private project developer in Germany and Spain. Since 2003, we are also working out energy auditing for the private building sector according to the German “Vor Ort Beratung” guidelines (field consultancy). Since 2008, we are certifying public and private buildings according to the Spanish building law CTE, which is based on the European Building Directive – EPBD 2002/91/EG. Since 2007, ENERGIEHAUS is developing, along with German building owner, projects according to the Passivhaus-Standard. Micheel Wassouf from ENERGIEHAUS/TBZ,srl. is oficial certifyed Passivhaus-Designer. One of our core activities is the promotion and development of the Passivhaus-Standard in Spain. ENERGIEHAUS is a founding member of the Spanish Passivhaus Platform PEP: Plataforma Edificación Passivhaus (see also: and member of AUS, the Catalan sustainable commission of the COAC (the Catalan Architectural Association). Micheel Wassouf is actualy Vize-president of PEP-Platform. For detailed informations see: (German/Spanish) and (German/Italian).

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