There are plenty of Energy Saving approaches, corresponding equipment and processes available and under growing use in Western Europe. To simply copy this ecologically positive development seems to be unrealistic for the lack of systematic know-how transfer, for the different personal values and ways of thinking, different energy price levels, different conditions for use and application, different legal frameworks. Thus, it is unwise to expect in the short term that a self-speeding-up process would introduce Western quality proved Energy saving technologies to the East. Our project aims at supporting the speeding-up of the reasonable – because emissions don’t respect country boarders – export of Western Energy Saving Means by catalogueing what Western technologies are ready for use in what Eastern industries and domestic areas and by identifying in parallel whether, and if yes, to what extend Eastern framework conditions like public attention, existing federal/regional/local laws/regulations, trade/import specialties, applicable technical standards, are supporting or even breaking the transfer process. Exemplary specific Project proposals to be presented finally shall highlight sensible variants to overcome major problems and to provide helpful orientation to the industry/ domestic and financing public as well as to administrative bodies at all relevant levels. The project is lead by EFZN Energy Research Center of Niedersachsen at Clausthal Technical University.

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