As Energy Cooperative Rhine-Ruhr eG - EGRR - we combine our proven expertise in technology, distribution and energy management. Here, our networks for Energy Efficiency and Electric Mobility as well as our regional on-the-spot presence. support each other. We contribute our skills and create sustainable solutions for the energy challenges of tomorrow. We take responsibility for Germany's Energy Future for the benefit of the people, businesses and society in this country. Promotion of Energy Efficiency is EGRR's necessary condition for adequate climate- and resource protection as well as for structural economic change towards renewable energies. We put Energy Innovation on the road nationwide. Hereunto we offer certified energy efficiency systems. With the realization of this potential for efficiency a high proportion of renewable energy supplies is also possible . As a cooperative, we are partner to the municipalities. We support the municipalities to master their energy-economic challenges. The complexity of the energy services' market requires quantified guiding principles and a general social responsibility. We as cooperative are in constant dialogue with the people.

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