With its innovative smart meter solutions, Discovergy turns users into responsible energy savers. The key is full transparency and control of consumption and energy cost as well as comprehensive value-added services for all energy sectors. With over 10 years of experience, Discovergy has developed this idea into the leading full-service provider of smart metering solutions for business and residential customers in Germany. The range of services includes the development of smart meters, meter operation, automated billing and detailed consumption transparency on web portals and mobile apps. The in-house development of a multi-division gateway, the heart of a smart meter, covers all relevant applications around metering point operations for electricity and gas, but also submetering for heat and water or microgrids. The gateway can transmit high-resolution measurement data up to 1 second. In the Discovergy Portal, the recorded measurement data are visualized in real time, available via Web and App. In combination with detailed analyses and evaluations at device level, customers are able to react to increasing or decreasing values and get a complete overview of consumption, generation, costs and potential savings. Discovergy is thus positioned in the exciting dynamic between today's energy market and tomorrow's digitization challenges. The ultimate goal is to create added value for current consumer needs while looking ahead to identify and actively shape the next relevant topics in the energy sector at an early stage.

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