Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany support German enterprises and buyers of German export in opening up new markets or doing business under special circumstances. By taking out Export Credit Guarantees, German exporters and banks protect themselves from the country and buyer risks involved in export transactions. The official Export Credit Guarantee scheme of the Federal Republic of Germany is managed by Euler Hermes Deutschland AG (German Export Credit Agency - ECA) on behalf and for the account of the Federal German Government. With regard to project finance or structured finance transactions decisions are made by an Interministerial Committee (IMC) of the Federal German Government. Prior to such decision, an experienced auditing company (Independent Chartered Auditor) has to examine the economic, legal and financial viability of the project from the perspective of the risk-taker, i.e. the Federal German Government. The success of your application for Export Credit Cover is therefore highly dependent upon the results of the assessment undertaken by the Independent Chartered Auditor. For the purposes of providing unparalleled consultancy services as Independent Chartered Auditor Ernst & Young and AHB Rechtsanwälte have joined forces some time ago in order to integrate knowledge and experience of highly reputed and respected experts in the field of government-related advisory services as a unique consortium. We are a proven team of experienced and valued auditors and lawyers with an impressive track record that will support you throughout the entire financing process of your project - even in the event of disruptions and delays. All members of our team have extensive experience with international bilateral and multilateral discussions between Export Credit Agencies, Hermes agents, banks, financial advisors and project sponsors as well as with working in interdisciplinary teams. About the global Ernst & Young organization: The global Ernst & Young organization is a leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. It makes a difference by helping its people, its clients and its wider communities achieve their potential. Worldwide, more than 270,000 people are united by shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality.

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