Fraunhofer SE in Freiburg carries out applied contract research in the areas of solar technology and energy systems, targeted at techno-economic solutions for solar systems. Our laboratories and technological know-how are available to cooperation projects with companies. We work in the sectors of solar thermal, photovoltaics, hydrogen technology, renewable water treatment, energy-efficient buildings, smart grids, power electronics and energy system analysis. Exemplary offers: - testing and certification of solar products - conceptual and feasibility studies for innovative solutions - quality monitoring and evaluation of solar systems - design support and optimization of solar systems - support to technology development Fraunhofer ISE, with a staff of 1200, is the largest solar research institute in Europe. The Institute creates the technological foundations for supplying energy efficiently and on an environmentally sound basis in industrialized, threshold and developing countries. Our driving motivation is to secure the livelihood of present and future generations and protect our natural resources. With our pioneering research and development work, we hold a leading role internationally in the field of renewable energy systems and technologies. This enables us to contribute significantly to creating a sustainable, economic, secure and socially just energy supply worldwide, paving the way for an energy supply based exclusively on renewable energy sources. Fraunhofer ISE carries out applied energy research. Through excellent research results, successful projects with industry partners, spin-off companies and global cooperations, we shape the transformation of the global energy system. Together with companies, we transform original ideas into innovations that benefit society and strengthen both the German and International economy. With our technological and system-oriented approach, we support our customers through to the industrial implementation and successful market entry. Our scientific work ranges from materials research through to system integration.

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