Next Kraftwerke operates one of the largest Virtual Power Plants in Europe aggregating renewable power producers, C&I consumers, batteries and utilities. Headquartered in Cologne, Germany Next Kraftwerke provides the marketing of the power produced from its aggregated assets at the various power exchanges as well as flexible power delivery to its C&I consumers. Ancillary services are also part of the Next Kraftwerke product portfolio. Next Kraftwerke has subsidiaries in Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland. In addition, Next Kraftwerke offers NEMOCS, a software-as-a-service-solution for setting up your own Virtual Power Plant. NEMOCS-users benefit from Next Kraftwerke’s expertise in setting up, maintaining and running a Virtual Power Plant. Since NEMOCS is a solution tailor-made to the customer’s needs, it is available world-wide. Furthermore, Next Kraftwerke’s online platform NEXTRA provides market access to its users as well as possibilities for portfolio and balancing group management. Market access includes access to important European power exchanges such as the EEX, EPEX Spot or EXAA.

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