Sachsen Wasser GmbH is a specialised consulting company in the field of water supply and sanitation with a particular focus on water utility advisory and operations and maintenance (O&M). The company is based in Leipzig and operates worldwide. Whereas Sachsen Wasser GmbH has been founded in the year 2000 as a 100% subsidiary of the municipal utility Kommunale Wasserwerke Leipzig GmbH (since 2016: Leipziger Wasserwerke), one of the largest water and wastewater utilities in Germany, since 2015 it operates as an independent consulting company. It is owned by Dr Jürgen Wummel, who also acts as Managing Director. Sachsen Wasser GmbH is an East German municipal provider for water and waste water facilities. We base our consultancy, operational and training services in all areas of water and waste water on our practical knowledge. CONSULTING We provide a wide range of consulting services to our clients worldwide. Our main focus areas are the optimisation of water utility operations, the institutional strengthening, the implementation of energy management systems, the reducing of water losses or improving capacity building. OPERATION We operate efficiently water and waste water facilities for our clients, including e.g. local staff training, implementing maintenance strategies or introducing operating manuels. In order to achieve sustainable development and a forward-looking supply of water, it is essential to improve the operation of drinking water and waste water facilities. TRAINING We provide training services in all areas of water utility management, both in our facilities in Leipzig and locally on site. Training activities are tailor-made for our clients. Topics of our training are e.g. organisational, financial, commercial or technical. Trainings are targeted to management, administrative or operational staff. Sachsen Wasser GmbH supports and applies solutions in which municipalities assume responsibility for their water management. For many municipalities as well as water and waste water associations the communal scheme implemented in Leipzig represents an efficient alternative to a privatisation of water management. We are a partner to municipal representatives and offer services in the operation of water systems and consulting, for example organisational structures, tariff structures and financial planning, and the improvement operational and commercial procedures. Our references: Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Macedonia, Mauritania, Mexico, Moldavia, Montenegro, Pakistan, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkey, Uzbekistan, VAE, Vietnam.

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