Since 1992 we have been busy in the country-wide/european marketing and service of the PRINZ wall saw technology and materials, for horizontal dampproofing of buildings with the wall saw method. Countless firms in this line of business were equipped by us with technology and partly also with Know-How and today work successfully in this special field of reconstruction. The drying of masonry work wins significance through the preservation and reconstruction of buildings with moist walls and the saw procedure can be seen as a simple, but very effective possibility for the horizontal insulation of brick work, which through the use of plastic materials guarantees long lasting function. There is now a full assortment of machines and materials available for the customer. Through our complete warehousing in Gersdorf we are able to offer delivery on short notice (overnight delivery). Our reliability in quality and service is appreciated by our customers and we will do everything in our power, that in the future it will remain so.

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