Service: Lindenau Maritime engineering & projecting is a maritime project development & engineering company in Germany and ideally located in Kiel. Lindenau is a long established engineering company with over 33 years of experience. Lindenau has developed a well reputaded synergy network between the maritime & environmental industry Lindenau is the right partner to project and to design all kind of maritime system solutions for healthier oceans. Philosophy: We have to see earth as a single entity. Over 70% of our earth is covered by water while 30% of the earth is populated by 7 billion inhabitants, and by the year 2050 it will be 9 billion inhabitants. 70% of the daily oxygen which we breathe is developed in our seas. 70% of the world population lives on coasts or on more than 100,000 inhabited islands. Furthermore, by the year 2050, 50% of the world population will live in so-called megacities, of which 90% are located on coasts. For over two decades we have known that humans use more than the earth can regenerate. Large economic differences lead to extreme social differences on our planet. Today’s predominant economy can only lead into a global dead end, into a world of large conflicts and arguments about scarce supply resources and into a world of full instabilities and disorder. Therefore, we must change direction. We must arrive at resources from resources using them carefully in our lives and in the economy.These regions need energy, clean water, food and a regulatory disposal of their wastes. However, this standard costs money, and many countries cannot not afford such a standard. In particular, a regulated waste management is neglected as many countries do not invest in a sustainable waste management because no money can be earned. As a consequence over 50% of all countries have no waste management system. In these countries waste is frequently and/or openly burned, wildly deposited, or dumped into the seas. This is a challenge for the entire world.That is the reason why we have founded LINDENAU MARITIME ENGINEERING & PROJECTING

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