Since more than a decade our architecture firm has specialised in the construction and renovation of buildings, with particular emphasis on energy efficiency. Our award-winning projects, for best practice, are examplary multi-story passive house buildings, which carefully balance social, ecological, and economic factors. These sustainable projects are balanced with renewable materials like timber construction, low emission materials and ventilation system with heat recovery, photovoltaic, solar heat, water recycling or block heat and power plant. We work in close collaboration with engineers and clients to develop highly detailed plans, in terms of both energy and cost efficiency, from the early design phase of the project. We strive to reduce operating costs and optimise energy systems, working towards plus energy buildings. As qualified energy consultants and passive house planners we work from the first design ideas all the way through to construction of new building or renovation of existing ones. In addition, we are commited to advancing research in the field, giving lectures and teaching on building efficiency at mulitple universities.

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