WätaS Group develops customised solutions that allow for an ideal utilisation of the energy already paid for. While there is worldwide (and understandable) talk of rising energy costs and an optimisation of tariffs, we concentrate on ideally making use of the once purchased energy – whether in the form of electricity, gas or heating oil – and avoiding unintentional losses. During the development of a product, we focus on reducing the temperature of effluents and waste heat to the highest degree possible and recapturing the contained energy and providing efficient energy that has been optimised according to the actual demand and thus reducing the purchase of primary energy. Our products and technologies not only enable us to accomplish noticeable financial advantages for our customers, but we also effectively contribute to the protection of the environment and to the gentle utilisation of the given resources of our planet. About 120 employers are working at our production plant in Olbernhau/Germany. We are specialized in the design and fabrication of - Heat Exchangers - Gas Cooler - Low Temperature Skirting Board Heating System - Heat pumps - R&D of energy saving products

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