CUBE Engineering has supplied independent engineering services and professional solutions in the field of renewable energies for the last 20 years. CUBE is one of the top 20 companies in the world in the Wind Consulting sector. Its services are based on a quality management system (e.g. DIN ISO 17025) and produce certified and bankable results. CUBE Engineering has successfully accompanied more than 4,000 projects around the world with a total installed rated capacity of over 15,000 MW. Skills The portfolio of services includes management consulting (e.g. feasibility studies), wind assessments (e.g. field measurements, wind assessment reports), planning and project management (e.g. tendering and construction supervision), decentralized energy systems with electricity marketing (e.g. biogas, smart grids, wind-diesel- / island hybrid systems), environmental and solar assessments, electrical grids and education and training. The company is regularly involved in national and international research programmes to develop new products and advance the sector, which is still comparatively young. References At an international level, CUBE Engineering focuses on selected countries and markets in which current or future renewable energies have a significant share of the energy supply and security. This direction demands particularly professional and comprehensive project management, in connection with advice and training (e.g. capacity building) throughout the process. The company supports the principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Company sites The headquarters of CUBE Engineering is in Kassel; other German offices are in Hamburg and Hanover. Worldwide the company is working with a network of project offices.

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