ista is the global leader in the field of energy efficiency. With our products and services, we help to save energy, cut CO2 emissions and reduce costs sustainably. Today, ista specialises in the recording, billing, visualisation and management of energy, water and other ancillary costs in 24 countries all over the world. While the respective energy utility supplies the total volume of energy and water to a multi-family house or commercial property, ista records, using modern radio metering technology, how this consumption breaks down for the individual units in the building. Tenants receive their individual bills, at the same time landlords receive their bill for the total consumption of the building. The result: everyone has complete transparency of their individual consumption and only pays for what they actually consume. As a basis for this, ista uses a portfolio of hardware components for recording and processing energy data. This portfolio includes radio-based heat allocation meters, water meters, heat meters as well as the appropriate installation systems. ista‘s energy data management system is particularly forward-looking. Here, all consumption data are visualised using smart radio technology on an online portal or by app and made available to the user every month. In this way, everyone can proactively control their own consumption and save a significant amount of energy at low investment cost. The portfolio is rounded off by supplementary services such as energy contracting, which ista pursues together with strong partners. In the field of tenant safety, ista offers products and services such as the ista smoke detector or the ista drinking water analysis. ista can look back on a history of more than 100 years and today looks after roughly 48 million devices in over 12 million apartments worldwide.

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