pmb-net AG is a consultatory engineering company with headquarters in Berlin and nationwide offices in Germany and Austria. Since 1992 the company is active on the market in the field of technically based consulting. In Germany and abroad (Austria, Moldovia, Iran, China) pmb-net AG advises public and private clients in public administration, industry and in the field of real estate management in all questions of planning and implementation of energy- and watersaving processes. Focus of all services is an effective adoption of modern technologies and management methods in consideration of (the individual) economical feasibil-ities. Particular experience is provided by pmb-net AG for the built up of substantial energy management systems as well as for the monitoring and leakage deletion in large-area water pipe networks. For the time being and based on the self-developed service system net-macs® (hardware – software – services) pmb-net AG attends more than 100 large-area water pipe networks all over Germany. The market entry for Austria and China is under way.

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