In 2001, AUTEV AG has been incorporated as a group and is specialized in the areas of LED Lighting technology, industrial technology, as well as environmental technology. AUTEV develops, produces, programs and delivers complete machinery and facilities in all divisions. Therefore custom-made solutions can be realized in different industries. Since its incorporation, AUTEV has developed into an effective and internationally operating engineering and service company. AUTEV AG is headquartered in Brandenburg a. d. Havel. AUTEV operates internationally through partners and distributors, but also owns its own branch offices abroad. AUTEV ASIA PACIFIC Pte. Ltd. in Singapore is responsible for international business development, not only for the Asian region but worldwide. In order to further expand the business, the entry of new growth markets has been pushed with a high level of commitment. The latest example of success of the innovative strength is the AuLED - an innovative and energy saving LED street light, which is already successfully and widely used in the public and private sector. This Light is capable of replacing standard and often environmentally unfriendly mercury arc and sodium vapor lamps and as such exhibits a unique selling feature.Today the AuLED is in use in many cities and municipalities both domestically and foreign. AUTEV, as the developer and manufacturer of the AuLED products for street lighting, also for indoor and outdoor applications, is worldwide looking for partners: for Distributors as well as for innovate production partners. CEO AUTEV AG: Mr. Uwe Maiberg COO AUTEV AG: Mr. Tim David CEO AUTEV ASIA PACIFIC Pte. Ltd.: Mr. Michael Vender

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