ENGINEERING + CONSULTANCY SERVICES - G.VOLZ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING + LIGHTING DESIGN Specialization: - Lighting design, optimized day light use, Ilumination systems for interior and exterior lighting, traffic lighting - Electrotechnical plants and installations, electrical power supply - Telecommunication and alarm systems, hazard protection and control systems - Building automation, measuring and control systems - Elevators and conveyors, lifts Achievement profile: - Independent technical and economical consultation, planning, project engineering, constructional supervision - Energy consultation services for operation, modernization and reconstruction, energy management services - Measurements, business investigations, analyses, studies, ·monitoring and control services - seminars and lectures, education, engineering training adress: Ingenieur-Büro G. Volz · Im Letten 26 · D - 71139 Ehningen Tel. + 49 70 34 · 93 47-0Fax + 49 70 34 · 93 47-49 Mobil + 49 172 · 71 22904 e-mail:

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