
Networking & Business Opportunities

  • Fact-finding mission

    Event: Decarbonizing the industry using renewable energy and green hydrogen in South Africa and Namibia

    14/10/2024 –18/10/2024
    Location: Germany
    Country of implementation: Namibia, South Africa
    Field of application/technology: Hydrogen, Energy generation, Solar energy
    Type of event: Fact-finding missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Self-supply for industry and commerce (focus on bioenergy) in Côte d'Ivoire

    08/10/2024 –11/10/2024
    Location: Côte d'Ivoire
    Country of implementation: Côte d'Ivoire
    Field of application/technology: Bioenergy, Efficiency in industry and commerce, Energy generation
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy trade mission

    Event: Expansion of the Energy Infrastructure (incl. energy storage) in the Baltic Region for Synchronization with the European interconnected system

    07/10/2024 –11/10/2024
    Location: Baltic States
    Country of implementation: Estonia, Latvia
    Field of application/technology: Solar energy, Wind energy, Energy infrastructure, Energy storage, Hydrogen
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Production and self- consumption of renewable energy in agriculture (focus on agri-pv, bio energy and irrigation)

    06/05/2024 –09/05/2024
    Location: Italy
    Country of implementation: Italy
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Solar energy
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy trade mission

    Event: Energy efficiency for sustainable tourism (optional incl. financing advice)

    3. Quartal 2023
    Location: Costa Rica & Dominikanische Republik
    Country of implementation: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic
    Field of application/technology: Energy infrastructure, Efficiency in buildings
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy trade mission

    Event: Decentralized energy supply with renewable energies in municipalities

    06/11/2023 –09/11/2023
    Location: Bulgaria
    Country of implementation: Bulgaria
    Field of application/technology: Energy infrastructure
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Hybrid solutions for the photovoltaic sector in Cambodia

    27/11/2023 –01/12/2023
    Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
    Country of implementation: Cambodia
    Field of application/technology: Energy generation, Solar energy, Energy storage
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy trade mission

    Event: Decentralized power supply with renewable energies

    13/11/2023 –17/11/2023
    Location: Luanda, Angola
    Country of implementation: Angola
    Field of application/technology: Bioenergy, Energy generation, Energy storage, Small-scale hydro, Solar energy, Wind energy
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Smart Grid and Energy Storage (including heating and cooling technology) in Japan

    12/06/2023 –16/06/2023
    Location: Tokio
    Country of implementation: Japan
    Field of application/technology: Energy infrastructure, Energy storage
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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  • Energy Trade Mission

    Event: Energy-efficient solutions for the Japanese industry

    02/12/2024 –06/12/2024
    Location: Tokio
    Country of implementation: Japan
    Field of application/technology: Efficiency in buildings, Efficiency in industry and commerce
    Type of event: Energy trade missions
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